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What is in-building wireless connectivity and why is it so important?

Cellular, Connectivity, Distributed Antenna Systems, In-building wireless
in-building wireless connectivity solutions


Growing cellular connections requires better in-building wireless connectivity solutions

We live in a mobile world that requires well-rounded connectivity for the overall system to function. High-performance and reliable wireless connectivity is no longer an option but an absolute necessity. The daily demand to maintain wireless connectivity across offices and enterprises requires the intervention of technology-driven solutions.

The majority of our phone calls originate and end inside a building and while outdoor coverage is not much of an issue, it is inside our premises where the need for external help and technical know-how is required to ensure better bandwidth availability. Building materials block a big portion of the signals from ever entering the premise and both the business and the owner of the property face financial losses due to bad wireless reception.

Large facility owners are increasingly relying on in-building wireless solutions to boost signal strength on the inside of these facilities. In-building wireless solutions or more commonly referred to as “DAS” (Distributed Antenna Systems) is a telecommunications solution designed and engineered to amplify existing signals across the facility.


How do in-building wireless solutions work?

Much like a wi-fi router, in-building wireless systems take an existing source signal and distribute it across a large space. In-building wireless solutions are however a more complex solution using a network of antennas, cables, and amplifiers to enhance connectivity even to isolated and bad coverage spots. IBW (In-building wireless) system takes the signal directly from the source through antennas to a central processing unit which then regulates, amplifies, and relays the signal to areas in the building as and when they need them.


What makes IBW so important?

If you are facing poor call quality, lost connections, and irregular or slow data speeds inside a building, an apartment or office space, chances are that this can be solved through professionally designed and engineered IBW (In-building wireless) solutions. With uninterrupted connectivity being such a business-critical requirement, a well designed IBW solution can:

Ensure uninterrupted connection: No more frustrating call drops and low signal bars. IBW will ensure unbreakable communication lines at every space inside the facility.

Connect multiple network carriers: One of the great benefits of IBW is that it can be integrated with multiple network carriers, so businesses do not need to change their carriers while implementing.

Provide coverage across the facility: IBW allows antennas to be placed through the building thus removing any dead spots.

Ensure high speeds: IBW increases the network speeds inside the building so that you do not have to step outside to download large attachments.


If you are a large commercial space looking for in-building wireless or DAS solutions partner to improve connectivity inside your buildings, please reach out to us at sales@ktcoverage.com or www.ktcoverage.com for a free consultation with our network engineer.