Ubiquitous cell phone and public safety network coverage is necessary for a high-quality guest experience
35% of Hotel IT spend is targeted at improving guest room connectivity solutions

5-Star Wireless Network and Cell Phone Coverage in Hotels
Travelers and day visitors are increasingly relying on cell phones for both business and personal use. This necessitates a need for better cellular coverage across all floors and rooms of the hotel, and providing a seamless mobile network is critical to the guest experience in the modern day and age. However, its not just about the guests, even hotel staff need access to in-building connectivity for their day-to-day work.
Whether it is large scale events and conferences or parties and leisure holidays, it’s rare to see guests without cell phones in their hands. This need to feel safe, comfortable, and connected is only possible with the right communications infrastructure in place. This means factoring in everything from simple cellular downloads and uploads to CBRS and public safety bandwidths – something our team has the experience of doing for 25+ years.

Kaytech Coverage Solutions Enables Seamless Cell Phone Coverage Across Carriers in Hotels
Be it for work or entertainment, one cannot undervalue the importance of cell phone coverage and new age traveller habits which is where cellular network coverage solutions come in. Our specifically designed in-building DAS solutions provide a communications ecosystem with security, capacity and scalability as per the size of your institution. In a world where guest rate their stay almost instantaneously, with user ratings impacting occupancy, Kaytech Coverage enables an indoor communications infrastructure that empowers the guest while allowing hoteliers to drive a real-time connection with their customers.
In the modern era of keyless check-in and entry through cell phone apps, the importance of connectivity and staying connected cannot be overstated. This is why we deploy the best-in-class DAS solutions that are tailored to fit your guests and your networking needs within the spatial limitations of your building structure. Our future proof design solutions and communications infrastructure enable you to innovate on the tech experience, a necessity in the competitive market for loyalty and higher ratings. And similar to how your customer loyalty is derived from quality and consistent service, our customer loyalty is derived from quality and consistent network.
The Kaytech Experience for Hotel Cellular Network Needs
- Our solutions provide maximum coverage and are designed for capacity and criticality that provide high speed, high bandwidth and low latency connectivity that support new technologies and reimagine the hotel experience.
- We work closely with you to understand your needs and design connectivity infrastructure solutions that work best for your guests and your business.
- Our solutions are future-proof and cater to all carriers and MNOs thereby supporting a multi-carrier mobility network across all floors and rooms.
- Our solutions provide access to advancements like CBRS, 5G and Private LTE that enable AR/VR technologies and the new world of ‘internet of things’
- Our team accommodates construction timings requests and work within the guidelines you provide to ensure minimal disruption to your hospitality services and guest experience.
- We are your single point of contact for all your wireless needs

Connectivity Solutions for Hotels


Small Cell

Private LTE/CBRS