The future of education, learning, and teaching are rooted in connectivity and digitally enhanced experiences
39% of IT administrators said their colleges will need bandwidth improvements to carry out their growth plans
– Edtech ‘4 Strategies to Make Your Connected Campus a Success’ 2018

Digital Learning Depends on High Bandwidth and Complete Cellular Coverage
The new age of learning, teaching, and education begins at campuses that offer high speed cellular connectivity. Even college administrations are increasingly reliant on network coverage that allow for smoother functioning across all departments of the campus. From online collaboration tools and digital workshops to campus walkthroughs and social media, the need for cell phone coverage at educational institutions is paramount. There’s also the inherent requirement of facilitating CBRS and emergency services signals through the grounds and classrooms.
In the modern campus where international and national students live, work, study, and play it’s not enough for colleges to boast of just academics and on-campus activities. There’s also a need to foster a communication network that allows for connectivity between all the stakeholders of the ecosystem. As institutions continue to invest in new interactive experiences and remote learning applications, having the right communications infrastructure is critical to support and grow the digital initiatives. Simply put, anyone studying, researching, or working at your institution expects quality internet and cellular coverage irrespective of their carriers.

Kaytech Coverage Enables Ubiquitous In-Building Cellular Network Across Carriers and Public Safety Frequencies
Whether it’s to facilitate learning, creating a safe environment, or maintain operations for the staff and students, cellular connectivity especially within buildings is of vital necessity. This is why Kaytech Coverage provides customized, tailor-made DAS solutions across your campus and within buildings. In fact, this need is also recognized within the guidelines of the State Educational Technology Directors Association (SETDA) and the Partnership for Assessment of Readiness in College and Careers (PARCC); both of which require districts and institute to invest in fast, reliable data connections.
From connecting research facilities, providing bandwidth for innovations in education, and keeping pace with a growing university, Kaytech Coverage is your one-stop solution for your communications infrastructure and cellular connectivity needs. The future of the world is in its students, which is why we need to empower them today. Empower them to make connections, discover and facilitate ideas, and shape their world in an image they see fit. This is where our DAS solutions come in, and with our DAS coverage and installations we enable you to empower them.
Cellular Network Coverage w/ Distributed Antenna Systems for Academic Institutions
- Our solutions provide maximum coverage and are designed for capacity and criticality enabling high speed, high bandwidth, and low latency connectivity that support new technologies, allow for quicker digital innovations, and easier connections.
- We work closely with you to understand your needs and design connectivity infrastructure solutions that work best for you.
- Our solutions are future-proof and cater to all carriers and MNOs thereby supporting a multi-carrier mobility network across different campus buildings and on-campus labs.
- Our solutions provide access to advancements like CBRS, 5G and Private LTE that enable AR/VR technologies and the new world of ‘internet of things’
- Our team accommodates construction timings requests and work within the guidelines you provide to ensure minimal disruption to the campus life.
- We are your single point of contact for all your wireless needs

Connectivity Solutions for Educational Facilities


Small Cell

Private LTE/CBRS